Certification Tracking

Certification Tracking

Let Forthsite help you know when your employees various accreditation and certifications are in need of being renewed. Certfications can be of multiple types: both system-wide - such as OSHA 30-hour - or project specific - such as a site safety training required for that critical infrastructure job. Each certification type has the ability to set reminders so that you are finding out that a certification needs to be renewed before it is too late. These expiring certifications are easily seen from your dashboard or a searchable report within the system. Storing the paperwork for each certification is designed directly into Forthsite to allow you to track each and every renewal.

Certifications integrate directly with the scheduling component to allow your dispatchers to easily search and find the appropriate person when a job requires a specific skill set. Optionally, you can also restrict a project assignment to only users with the certifications that enable the user to perform the necessary tasks for that project.


  • Track User's Accreditation Certification
  • Track User's Project Certification
  • Notification of Upcoming Expirations
  • Store all Associated Paperwork
  • Optionally Limit Scheduling Based On Skill Set

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