What to Prepare Before an Accreditation Review

Construction is extremely diverse, accommodating and welcoming; at the same time it is tough, strict and based on trust. Being able to show your capabilities as a construction materials testing and inspection company is not enough. You need to build trust with the client and the rest of the team.

Construction materials testing laboratory accreditations are a sign of proficiency and expertise that helps to build that trust. Whether your lab is accredited under AASHTO, CCRL, CMEC, USACE, Local DOT or any other, you have to prepare and be ready for review. Most of the accreditation agencies or organizations use AASHTO R18 Standard as a guide for the construction materials testing accreditation review.

Here are the top 5 things that you need to be ready for and how Omnant can expedite each of these.

1. Quality Manual (AASHTO R18).

The name says it all! This is the guide for your lab to ensure all testing is performed in general accordance to applicable standards.

The quality manual – or quality system documentation – is critical for any laboratory. It needs to explain how you will do things in your lab and if a standard is not followed or a mistake is made, how it will be addressed and ultimately resolved.

In the old days, this manual used to be a 4-inch thick 3-ring binder. The binder was usually full, and making sure everything was updated was – and still is for some laboratories – extremely time consuming. Sometimes the printed versions of the documents in the binder are not the same that are saved in…well… someone’s computer. Other times, the binder has more dust than documents and becomes a health hazard!

Omnant allows you to have your Quality Manual as part of the software. This feature, which is included with the core package, keeps track of the changes and versions of each section of your quality manual. You can also keep track of any Corrective Action Reports received after the assessments and their resolution.

We’ll also help by tracking the author of each of the changes and allowing you to show that information to the assessor if needed. With Omnant you always have access to the most updated version of your Quality Manual anywhere – 24/7.

2. Equipment Calibrations, Standardizations, Checks & Maintenance (AASHTO R18. Sec. 6.1.2)

Good looking equipment is not enough to satisfy the proficiency requirements during an assessment. With the proper equipment tracking and maintenance, you are positioned to satisfy proficiency requirements.

Keeping track of equipment calibrations and maintenance can be difficult when using papers in a file cabinet. Additionally, these verifications are time-sensitive, meaning that they need to be scheduled and repeated multiple times between assessments. You can only put so many alarms in your phone.

Omnant tracks your equipment calibrations and their expiration dates. You can customize the notifications to receive periodic emails with the upcoming calibrations, Standardizations, Checks and/or Maintenance needs.

In Omnant, you can track maintenance for all of your equipment entered in the software. As part of the maintenance tracking, Omnant includes a space to add the cost of every maintenance session. This is important for planning yearly budgets and equipment replacement needs.

3. Training Records & Competency Evaluations (AASHTO R18. Sec. 5.5)

Certification tracking and training records are critical to the success of the laboratory and the business in general. Imagine finding out that your driver’s license is expired when you’re handing it to an office to gain access to a project site. That could be a bit difficult to explain… the same goes for your personnel certifications.

We’re all busy, and sometimes things are forgotten. Omnant gives you an advantage: peace of mind. When using Omnant, you can store all your personnel certifications in our software. If the assessor needs to see them, they can see each of them individually.

Additionally, Omnant tracks the issue date and expiration date. You can customize the notification settings and get notified when your certifications – or the certifications of the people you supervise – are about to expire.

4. Test Reports for Each Test Method Requested (AASHTO R18. Sec. 6.7)

The mix of personnel, testing performed, and operational goals is different across laboratories, based on the local area, preferences, and other factors. Some construction material testing labs aim to include more concrete testing, while others are experts in soil testing, while others specialize in asphalt testing. Regardless of your lab’s area of expertise, all testing has to be performed in general accordance with the applicable standard for that particular test.

As some of us may have found out the hard way, doing the test right does not ensure compliance. The reporting process is critical to ensure compliance. Test performance is important, and so is the way we transmit the results and the information gathered while testing. That’s why when you choose Omnant, and have your inspection reporting structured to collect accurate and standardized data and perform testing consistently as part of your standard procedures.

As part of the accreditation process, you’re required to provide examples of test reports for each of the methods being accredited on. Keeping track of the most updated version can be a hassle. Document control is a key point during any assessment. Sometimes there are reports that “look better" than others.

Omnant strives to make all reports look equally elegant. It also provides forms for a vast number of standards. Our forms are verified periodically so you can be assured of compliance with the most updated standards.

When a standard changes, our team will review the new standard and implement any changes necessary and you will receive a notification. These updates happen without you losing any sleep and at no additional cost to your operation. Omnant ensures consistency and compliance across all reports, making it easier for you to prepare for your accreditation.

5. Organization & Logistics

After you have everything together, take a moment to stand back and organize it. Arrange your documentation, tests, and space in a way that is easy for you, for your team, and for the assessor. It’s stressful enough to go over this process, making sure to make it as natural as possible for everyone.

Coordinate start times and notify your field technicians, project managers, and office personnel that the accreditation will take place. Secure a parking spot for the assessor (you don’t want your assessor to start the day in a bad mood!).

If you still use binders and your documentation is in pen and paper, make sure they’re legible. Take the time to clean and organize the binders and ensure documents are up to date. Also, consider scheduling a demo with us to discover how easy, efficient, economical and profitable incorporating Omnant to your laboratory can be.

More importantly, don’t forget the people who made your accreditation possible. Regardless of the results, it’s a heavy undertaking that requires extra effort from all those involved. When the assessment is over, take the time to thank your team. It’s important to make sure they feel appreciated and acknowledged for the work performed. Pizza is nice, but consider other ways to show your appreciation.

During the accreditation process, you can reach out to Omnant to let us know you are being assessed and when. If we’re aware of your assessment days, we can prioritize last minute requests or troubleshooting needed, with input from software developers, civil and geotechnical engineers, and CMT experts who are bilingual in English and Spanish. We are here to support your accreditation going smoothly.

Omnant is the solution to centralizing your accreditation documentation and maintaining it up to date. Download our accreditation checklist to review the critical areas you need to prepare ahead of your scheduled accreditation review.


Personnel, Certifications


laboratory accreditation quality control document control

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